How does this differ

  1. Montessori method is a child oriented ie., each individual is a master where as other method is adult oriented.
  2. This method is based on scientific theories and principles therefore the result will be definite where as other methods are not.
  3. This method is based on activities, presentation and observation where as other methods are based on the traditional teaching technique.
  4. In this method the child decides the activities and set his own tasks where as in other methods the tasks are pre set by the adults.
  5. In this method the children learn activities with help of various apparatus and the teacher becomes a helper where as in other methods the child learns what the teacher preach and the teacher becomes the driving force.
  6. In this method about thirty active healthy human beings lives their own life in an environment specially prepared to give them the best choices of all round development where as in other methods pupils are just a student learning in a school environment.

Parents should understand that a Montessori school is neither a baby-sitting service nor a play school that prepares a child for traditional kindergarten, rather, it is a unique cycle of learning designed to take advantage of the child’s sensitive years between three and six, when he can absorb information from an enriched environment. A child who acquires the basic skills of reading and arithmetic in this natural way has the advantage of beginning his education without drudgery, boredom or discouragement. By pursuing his individual interest in a Montessori classroom he gains an early enthusiasm for learning which is the key to the beginning a truly educated person.